Don't be afraid...

to look in the mirror and see someone beautiful.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Have you ever had an idea and then months maybe even years later, you find out someone had the same idea but decided to do something about it? I have. Because it's happened to me. I don't every really think about what's stopped me from going through with an idea but there is one that I need to go through with. It's a book. I won't disclose information baha but it should be interesting. Today has been a really good day. Went to downtown Pasadena with a friend and got to see stores and buildings that make me happy. It was out of the A.V. :) Anywho, tomorrow should be interesting. Still doing my healthy eating. Just am not getting paid enough to stay with the plan I was doing so I'm pretty much wingin' it. That's pretty much it.

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