Don't be afraid...

to look in the mirror and see someone beautiful.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I haven't posted in a bit...

There is so much going on. My dad is getting married this weekend... that's a whole other story. I'm looking for more steady work. I'm still eating super healthy and have been losing weight. Haven't exercised this week though so hopefully tomorrow. My creative juices are flowin. God's business is getting taken care of. There are some roadblocks I could see coming up ahead that I may have to deal with but I'll get to those when they come. I've learned to just deal with today. Just like the good ol' J.C. said. Like I said, sooo... much going on. I feel like I'm in a wave pool and just going with the flow. With the knowledge that when God wants me to swim I will. I took care of a lot of health stuff this week. Because I've NEVER had a full check-up. And it was time. Random thought, I got some epsom salt today so I can have a nice muscle relaxing bath. Which I think I might just do tonight. Why not? Cease the day!

On another note, someone who I thought was my best friend is busy. I've learned that not everyone has the same definition of a best friend. And that's ok. I'm not mad at anyone, sad? A little. Disappointed? Yeah. They meant a lot to me. Well, I always have to remember that God does things for a reason. He brings people in for a season and they aren't always here to stay no matter how much we wish they could. And you never know, God could change it up whenever He wants. There are seasons, just like in weather. He's a very clever God He is haha.

Anywho, that's a cliffnotes version of my life. Nighty night.

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