Don't be afraid...

to look in the mirror and see someone beautiful.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I had no idea...

I had no idea that the day I met you everything would change.
I never saw it coming.
Like a brick to the face, you left your mark
I can still feel the scar
a heart that was broken and so fragile
Somehow you helped me put the pieces back together
Thanks to you
I know I'm not unlovable
And I'm not being dramatic
In a world where I've always had to earn someone's love
A world where my best I thought wasn't good enough
Is no longer that world.
You were like a physical depiction of Christ's love for me
How you talked to me
Treated me
Just how you were
Even when you had no idea you were doing it.
I know I've thanked you so many times 
I don't know if you'll ever understand. 
You left a mark.
And it's one I'd never want to cover up.
And you're handsome...
which didn't hurt either.
You were like a brick through my cold heart.
Letting in the light.

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