Don't be afraid...

to look in the mirror and see someone beautiful.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


So I left my church about a month and a half ago and that was really hard. Not because of the church itself, but because that meant I had to look for a new place. I'm not always so good about knowing for sure what I need to do. My faith is growing though, that's for sure.

I've been literally going to different churches every week. Sometimes more then one and I'm going back to the motherland lol. The church I went to in highschool and before I left to Bible school in 2008. Let me make myself clear. My spiritual mom/worship dance leader/mentor is leading there and she has been the only woman that has known me for this long and I know will push me in the right direction. We have a long history. Not the best all the time but she's still there.

I recently had an oppurtunity to play drums/dance at a new church that is opening up in my town that would be heavily artistic based. I would be playing drums and when the church was able to, they would try and compensate me for my time and effort in their ministry. Basically, everything I could want in a church setting. But...that would be the easy route for me. I need to take the straight and narrow path for this season in my life and I really feel like being underneath the wing of my mentor and pushing through and learning to love the church body is what I need. None of that is going to be easy. But it will be easier then having to keep going around the mountain and making it hard later.

And I was able to talk to the singing director today and she was fine. It doesn't mean I'm not going to visit the church and maybe do other things there, I'm just not going to be committed like that there. A lot of people don't understand but I understand. And God understands.

It's starting to feel lonely again. But I know I'm not. People are moving. Moving cities, finding relationships, moving forward. I love being able to see all this. God puts people in our lives for certain reasons and seasons and then it's on to the next. It's natural. It's a cycle. It's sad in some aspects but knowing that it's all for the greater good and that because I love these people, I want God's best for them.

I'm starting a new job. A new relationship with an old church. New spiritual advising, and more responiblities. Ahhh, how I love fall :)

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