Don't be afraid...

to look in the mirror and see someone beautiful.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Well, I don't exactly know what I'm going to write about so we shall see what proceeds forth.
I sang tonight with my dad which is usually fine but I was getting all irritated which I usually don't about things I already know he does that shouldn't surprise me. I didn't have the right attitude for worship and tried to pray before and get into the presence but I'll be honest and say that it mostly just me singing. (Which is one of the top things I hate most)

After service people were kind and nice telling me and my dad how good we sounded together yadda yadda. He didn't do or say anything weird, it's always other people. Oh you raised her right and all that. Eventually someone said well I've only been here for this many years so it was all him and I said, it was all God. I have a problem with anyone including me taking credit for anything good that I am. If me, the human being with a choice doesn't take credit for making the decision to follow Christ, then it sure means that no one else should get that credit either.

Am I pms'ing? Probably lol I just had to vent for a second

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