Don't be afraid...

to look in the mirror and see someone beautiful.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Day 6 of 30 Day Writing Challenge

Day 6: Someone who fascinates you and why.

I have a friend who fascinates me. I know I could have picked someone of more renown but when I read this prompt one person came to mind.

He was a really close friend whom I unfortunately fell for and from that point on it's never been the same nor will it ever be but he fascinates me. Quiet, pensive, compassionate etc. So much depth I don't understand. And no, I'm not over exaggerating.  I don't want to say I pride myself on figuring people out quickly but well, I do and he's the only one who even though there are parts of the puzzle that are put together, there is a whole well of soul that is fascinating. Maybe it's more fascinating because I'll never get to dive in again but I've always felt this way. I know God makes everyone special but as far as fascinating...definitely on my top 5 in my life. Although I'll never get to the end of the puzzle, I'm content in the time we did spend and that I get to know him as a human and brother in Christ.

Maybe this wasn't the most exciting answer possible for this prompt but it's the most honest at this point in time.

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