Don't be afraid...

to look in the mirror and see someone beautiful.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

I can still do a full bridge!

So, I've been prepping myself to go back to the gym for like...a month.
I finally went today. I did the bike because well, that's my favorite. I did a good pace for half an hour and then stretched. OH HOW I MISS IT!!!!!!! Praise God I'm still flexible. It'll definitely take some consistency and time to get me back to where I was but I'm glad it's not impossible. And I tried to do a bride. When I first tried, I did it but I had a spasm in my back. I stretch some more and thought, "Let me try again." So I did and bam!!! I was like woo hoo!!! Anywho, I'm so glad I have good music to workout to. I miss working out. Well, that's kind of it. Oh yeah...

I made me and my bro Valentine's Day breakfast and he was pleasantly surprised. :) I was happy. Went to class and now I'm getting ready to go to work. It'll probably be slow because all the ladies will be out with their men haha.

Adios Amigos!

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