Don't be afraid...

to look in the mirror and see someone beautiful.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Is it bad?

Is it bad to have this picture of what I want my life to look like?
To dream of traveling and ministry and marriage and all that wrapped together?
Because it seems to me that most people just take what is put in front of them and are happy with that. I don't know everything God has in store for me let alone what it will look like but I sure am not settling for what I see in the natural here and now.
It seems a shame to me that people have lost the ability to dream.
That they are content. I'm not saying that having a "normal job" or "white picket fence" life is bad.
Not at all. It just isn't for me.
I'm sure whenever things happen I'll have a home-base. Because I want to decorate and have a place to put my feet up, but I don't mind traveling. On the contrary I would love it.
I would even love it being married and doing ministry traveling. I just don't know how it works once you have kids. Well, it's all ahead of me so I'm sure the Lord will prepare my heart when it's necessary.

I'm 25 with no sign of slowing down in sight. I'm barely getting started. I guess I'm talking about this at all because things have been brought to my attention and those things haven't started bothering me yet. Kids who were in youth group when I was their leader getting married, having babies, having everything planned. I'm happy for them. Ecstatic even.

I also know a lot of women around 29 or in their early 30's who OBSESS about being married. I guess I don't know what that's like yet either. I'm happy with me and Jesus. As cheesy as it sounds. This kind of time and dedication I can give to my relationship with Him is something so precious. I know I can't get that back.

Anyway, just outwardly processing I suppose. God has a different plan for everybody. I love Him so much.


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