Don't be afraid...

to look in the mirror and see someone beautiful.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day 4 morning

So... this has definitely been an interesting ride. This food for the most part tastes really crappy. But thank God i've figured out ways to make them taste better. I wish I didn't have all these flavors I know I'm not going to like but hey, at least I can say I tried it. So far, I can deal with the chili, the soy puffs, the chocolate drink, the pina colada, the soups in general, and the bars. the puddings are gross. and pretty much anything sweet. Thank you super sensative fake sugar hating taste buds. But I weighed myself this morning and I'd like to report I've already lost 5 pounds :) It feels like time is flying and with every day that goes by I don't have to think so much about what I'm going to eat. I do need to focus on veggies more though. Usually my heaviest meal is lunch and then I'll have a smoothie or something for dinner but I DO need more veggies. I've been good about taking all my vitamins and supplements. I try and remember to take them in my purse if I know I'm not going to be home for a long time. Anywho, it's working and everyday that goes by is one day closer :) Love you all and have a great day!

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