Don't be afraid...

to look in the mirror and see someone beautiful.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Where light shines the brightest

I was taking a walk tonight. Barefoot at 12:30. And as I was walking, I looked up at the sky and always, how amazingly beautiful and phenomenal they are. Then the Lord said, "go where it's darker". I said ok, so I walked a little bit further where there were no streetlights and looked up. And it hit me like a ton of bricks. Light shines best in the dark. Ok, this may seem elementary to most but let's take it a little bit deeper. Let's say you had a bunch of flashlights all in one room turned on. You would probably take it for granted that there was light. But if you were in a pitch black room, and one light turned on, you would be immediately be relieved. There's a reason why Jesus didn't stay in the temple day in and day out. I mean, if you go through the entire new testament, you can count on one hand how many times Jesus being in the temple is mentioned. Granted, He was Jewish so he was more than likely brought up in the temple learning all the things a good Jewish boy would learn, and He IS the son of God so yes, there are a lot of exceptions. But the point is, Jesus' three years of ministry was 90% in the street with people who hadn't see the Light yet. He never changed the essence of who He was, the was so bright that everyone and everything He came into contact was affected by Him. Not the other way around. He didn't start His ministry until He was released to and after that, it was a done deal. It just gives me that much more of a reason (not that it should be this way) to follow what HE is telling me to do and to go when He releases me. Not when others think I'm ready, or even when I think I'm ready. Because everytime I think I'm ready, I see the scope it is and freak out a little bit. I am His servant and my life belongs to Him. To do with it what He so desires. Whatever that looks like.

I'll be a light in the dark places. Even if I'm the ONLY light there. I'll pray that the light of God rubs off.

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