Don't be afraid...

to look in the mirror and see someone beautiful.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

So you say

You say you want a real woman in your life
But when she walks through the door your spirit fights
She calls you out on the stuff that's hidden
Don't fall too quickly
You might just get smitten

A real woman can make you feel like a real man
But that would mean you want to be a real man wouldn't it?
Because a real woman doesn't want to stand around waiting for this so called "man"
To grow a pair and take action.

Real women have feelings but don't let their feelings control them
Real women don't need to manipulate any situation because she is confident with who she is regardless of the events unfolding around her.
She doesn't need approval except from one.
And that's the one above.
That's her true love.

And man, when the one above brings you your mate your love
She will love you, respect you, honor you, and be your strongest ally in this world.
But you gotta get ready.
Cuz It's not a game.
When that real woman comes
Everyone else will have looked like a game.

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