Don't be afraid...

to look in the mirror and see someone beautiful.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I am beautiful

I'm a beautiful woman.
There is no reason for me, no matter how grand a scheme
To hold on to someone who doesn't realize the greatness I am
Now don't get me wrong.
This isn't out of cockiness.
This is out of years of never feeling good enough
And finally realizing that I am good enough.
I am pretty enough
I am funny enough
I am caring enough.

There are just some people God puts in your life for a season.
There are people He brings to teach you something...or a lot of somethings.
I am growing a lot.
Normal Amber would just want to never have to deal with it again.
Never put myself near this person.
But it's not all about me.
God has a bigger plan.
I have too much work to do here to worry about whether someone thinks I'm worth it.

Because if they don't.
Then they are the ones mistaken.
But eh.
As they say.

My heart is aching
But my hopes are high.
I don't understand
But I will defeat.
With the help of the Big man in the sky.

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