Don't be afraid...

to look in the mirror and see someone beautiful.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

In control

I had a run-in with a very uninvited guest recently...

very univited.

and I had choices to make.

I could have yelled, or said something sarcastic or mean or blah blah all know what I'm talking about. When something happens and you go through the scenarios in your head and get to decide which path you will take. And if you've never thought about it this way, maybe you should try.

I have heard so many times, I couldn't help it, or I didn't have a choice. Bullll ogne. You ALWAYS have a choice. I've been learning that more and more this past year thanks to a few good friends who have brought it to my attention. You do have a choice. Try it. Even with something small. If someone says something unkind, just smile. I know it sounds retarded but after awhile you'll see how often people let their emotions control them instead of them controlling their emotions. Don't get me wrong, sometimes I do just let myself feel the way I think I should. But if it's destructive, I try and just feel it for that moment and then move on. Not letting that sink inside and linger there. Effecting the rest of my day.

I say all this because it's God. He gave us the power of choice. In everything. We can choose just about anything. Some things we wish we had a choice over, like who are, or what genes we were born with etc. but we just have to do the best with what we have and know that it is perfect. Really. I know I'm never gonna be a size 3 but you know what? I like my curves. I'm learning to be healthy and excercise which is just going to eccentuate those marvelous things even more.

Whoever reads this. Try it. And let me know how it goes :)

1 comment:

Lanette said...

More! More!! I want more!!
P.S. Your comment finally showed.