Don't be afraid...

to look in the mirror and see someone beautiful.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Before You

I was in a daze
My eyes were hazy and my mind was ripe
Like apeach in the summertime
Sweet, beautiful...ready
That is what I was
And then you came
Like the storm in summer...
Unexpected but lovely

And you picked me
All of a sudden my eyes opened
And my haze turned into eternal sunshine
And my eyes burned like the fire inside

But I had to let you
I had to allow vulnerability to be
I had to have faith
Have faith that the deepest parts of my heart
Were what He wanted
And that it would come to pass as it came

The want to go back to a haze stayed for a long time
Even now it wants to creep in
But you don't allow me to
And you don't force me to realize
You are a witness who testifies
And I listen
I take to heart
And I see the truth

It's easier to not change
It's easier to stay in a daze...
The same daze you have been in all your life.
And now that you have to face it head on...
No matter how good it is to change,
Somehow taking the easy way still seems enticing
Until you purpose yourself to be different
TO ask God and allow Him to use you
To be obedient to Him
To even have an inkling of how much he Loves you
Until then...
The other side wins

I have an inkling...
And that is about all...
But that is enough for now
Enough for me to stop myself from
Staying the same...
To stop me from being everything and everyone I didn't want to be

Before you I was in a daze
Before you my eyes were all in a haze

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