Don't be afraid...

to look in the mirror and see someone beautiful.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

The homeless man has my Bible

So I'm staying at my aunt's house til Wed. and I decided to go for a walk to a mall not far away and get some fresh air and see what was going on in good ol' Burbank. I was walking through a park and there was a homeless man sitting on the ground with a stereo playing and God told me that I was going to give him my Bible. I was thinking...nah, He doesn't want me to give him my Bibe. Then I remembered, oh yeah, I got another Bible a couple of weeks ago at a retreat I went on...but this was MY Bible, I had everything highlighted and all that good stuff and then it was like, well then how much better...if all the "good" stuff is highligted for him. So...on my way back to the apartment, I see the guy but this time he's talking to a bunch of other guys and I went up and I introduced myself and I asked him if he had a Bible. He said no. I gave him mine. Then he proceeds o tell me abou† this program he's part of that feeds hømeless ånd gives away clothes. We chatted for a little bit and that was it. Now he has my Bible and I hope he is able to do more with it then I did.

1 comment:

Kid Christmas said...

Well, it's good to know I am missed. And, I love how you listen to God. I am sure I will be learning more about listening to God in those moments when you think, "Why would I hear from God right now, I'm just walking down the street." Anyway, I am praying for you... :)