Don't be afraid...

to look in the mirror and see someone beautiful.

Friday, December 30, 2016

I'm actually excited...

On this fine evening, the 30th of December 2016, the Eve Eve of the New Year I thought I'd share my outing today. I found recipes for the Mediterranean diet including some of my FAVORITE greek foods including: garlic spread, pita bread, chicken kabobs, brown rice, hummus... I am beyond excited because I will get to once again eat the way my body enjoys and be mentally healthy again. Ok, I wasn't super mentally unstable but I was definitely getting there. Working as a lunch lady does NOTHING for one's health goals. (Believe me, I was in it for 6 months) Anywho, I also acquired some containers for my wares and I can't wait to start cooking again and try new things. I'm going to purchase some cd's tomorrow to burn for my Zumba music and maybe a small cd player so I can start rehearsing my dances for classes I want to start teaching. Well, that is the excited for the evening. P.S. the latest Star Trek movie was AMAZINGGGG!!! I think it was, "Beyond", and that my friends, it truly was.

Goodnight interweb.

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