Don't be afraid...

to look in the mirror and see someone beautiful.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day 2011

I know why I'm here.
I don't know the way I get there but I know why.
Yeshua helps me see.
I now know why.

Life is a meaningless barbie band-aid trying to keep your guts from spilling on a freeway filled with drunk 18-wheeler truck drivers.

That's if...
you don't have anyone to live for.
Anything to live for.

How many times have you known you were here for something but didn't know what.
People may have even told you that you were worthless and pointless.
I have had someone say this to me.
That the world would be better without me.

And it hurts.

Stop trying to cover up your pain with a barbie band-aid.
You know deep down inside it will only hold for a moment.
And then all go down the drain.
If insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result than I know some, as well as should have been, in the insane asylum.
Someone is making decisions for that.
YOU CHOOSE who it is.

The one who will tempt you
Laugh at your demise
Then kick you when your down...
All in one swoop?

Or the one who is ALWAYS holding out His hand.
Pick you up.
Dust you off.
And despite the transgression...
welcome you with open arms.

This isn't about religion. And as much as people say that I follow up with this.

Something has to change. I don't introduce people to a dictator or religion.
I introduce them to the creator of the universe. The beginning and the end. The lover of my soul. My strength. My fortress. My refuge. My healer. My husband. The origin of all truth.
My God and His son Yeshua.

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