Don't be afraid...

to look in the mirror and see someone beautiful.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The great girls

This is for all the great girls

When you don't show your skin
And you don't bat your lashes
Don't feel outlawed

When you raise your hand and give your opinion
When you outwit your comrad
Don't feel outlawed

When you know your purpose is great
And it seems there is no one to wait
Don't feel outlawed

When you are always the friend
And never the one
Don't feel outlawed

We don't have borders
And we don't have laws
We can have our families
And do mighty things for God
We can respect our men
And hold our heads up high
We can debate the latest topic
Without having to blink an eye
Boys will be boys
But men will be men
So just wait for the one
Who runs the race ahead

Wait for the man
Who is comfortable enough with himself
That his strong-willed Godly woman
Doesn't intimidate him
Wait for the man who is proud of you
Batman & Robin
Bonnie & Clyde
But instead of robbing banks
You rob the devil of lives

It's easy to only see what is right in front
But let me tell you
Give it time
You've both gotta grow up

Don't fall for the lines
And don't think you have to be the
"Preachers wife"
Because if God's will be done
He will handle it
Don't live in strife


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