Don't be afraid...

to look in the mirror and see someone beautiful.

Saturday, October 26, 2013


Let's catch up.

God is amazing.

About a month and a half ago I literally spent a week only focusing on finding a new job. The Avenue has been great to me and I've met some amazing people but the inconsistency of hours and the minimum pay for extra work wasn't working for me. I got fed up. So I spent countless hours filling out online job applications, sending resumes and going to interviews. The boy gave me the idea for trying out the school district but I've always heard how hard it was to get into that I had my doubts. I applied for a campus monitor position at a Charter school (which I had never heard of). I didn't even know what the position actually meant let alone what God was doing.

I went in for the interview and as soon as I walked in it felt different. I felt at home. And I felt needed. The lady interviewing me saw that I had my AS and asked if I would be interested in teaching a Jr. High Science Enrichment class. I'm pretty sure my mouth dropped open. Me? Teaching Jr. High SCIENCE class? I mean, I've always liked science and wasn't half bad at it but it's been so long since I've focused on it. I was very clear with her that the only teaching experience I had was with church kids and tutoring and she was like, "ok".

It was 6 days after my interview that I got an official letter of an employment offer for BOTH jobs!! I jumped up and down like a little kid and didn't remember the last time I was so excited!! So then, I had to do a LIVESCAN background check to make sure I'm all good but it costs $55. Funny story, on the same day, I realized that the money I usually have in the bank to pay for my school loan was still in there so I called the company. They then informed me that I had paid my payments needed to get my loan in good standing and that they wouldn't be taking any more payments from me! I was like, "What?!!" I was so proud of myself. I finally finished something. My life is moving forward. So the money I was going to have to put out for the loan I was able to use for the background check!

So from a girl who was working 8 hours a week for minimum wage to 19 hours with 2 different job descriptions and one paying twice as much as the other while being able to do what she was made for is something so hard to describe. Like, I want to tell more people but I feel like it would be prideful. But in the same instant, I know it wasn't me. I showed up. Did the work and God opened the doors and gave me favor in a place that isn't just a place to work but a family trying to educate the lives of young ones.

There has been so much that has happened. I am in a writing mood so maybe I'll do another blog after this lol

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