Don't be afraid...

to look in the mirror and see someone beautiful.

Monday, September 23, 2013

I got a word today

there's tons to talk about but I don't feel like writing about it online but something short and sweet happened today. Well, a lot of nice short and sweet things happened today but I got a word. A word from the Lord. It was right after church and a lady pulled me aside and she said, "The Lord says, He wants you to start praying for specific things. And that don't wait until you think you're right with Him." Both of those things are accurate. After what has happened with Oasis it's been tough on me knowing what or what not to do. Being afraid to start over again. And it's also very accurate about the way I pray. I always pray generally because I feel like I'm being selfish and if God has other plans I don't want to pray against His plans for my life by putting my own two cents in there. But at this point in my walk, although I am definitely always learning more about His character and who He is, I feel like I at least have a basic idea of what life is. And I am realizing that He loves me so much that wants me to have fullness of joy. That's what she was saying, "Not things you need. Things you WANT." I don't even remember the last time I got to ask for something that I wanted. While I was at Templo I felt like I was under a covering so if there was something I wanted or needed, it would be covered by someone there. Now, I'm out in the open and I feel a little lost to be quite honest. But today I felt God so sweetly and it was just a beautiful day. Now I'm going to go and make a list of specific things I want. I'm just going to start writing. I don't want to have a filter of what should or should not be. Of things that are "appropriate" or not. I'm just going to write from my heart. That's what He wants from me. For me to trust Him that He knows the desires of my heart. But do I???

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