Don't be afraid...

to look in the mirror and see someone beautiful.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Well...that was awkward.

So I feel the need to share this. In case anyone thinks I am turning away men left and right are first of all, NUTS and second of all...NUTS.

Today at work, I was talking to my art teacher friend who happens to be a 50 something year old woman who is amazing and my co-worker whom I am semi friends with comes up out of nowhere and asks her if she'll go to the prom with him. I'm not going to lie, I was embarrassed and gets better. She says, "Oh, why don't you take Torres?"


He gets super awkward starts saying stuff like, "Well, if you don't want to go then I guess I'll ask her." etc. I'm starting to get angry at this point because there's nothing quite like being second in line and having it play out right in front of your eyes. It pretty much stays awkward and then I see him later and say, "Please know that you don't have to..." and then before I finish my sentence he says, "Don't think I was going to buy your ticket." I play it cool and say, "Look, if we happen to be at the same place at the same time than so be it." to which he responds, "Fine". Sure enough, I e-mail the lady in charge of the prom and then all of a sudden, my boss tells me about how they need chaperones and guess who the chaperones are going to be? YOU GUESSED IT LADIES AND GENTLEMEN.

I'm not going to lie, I'm pissed. If you wanted to be rude and make it abundantly clear that you aren't interested, which by the way, I never insinuated or said you were in the first place; then congratulations, you have proven yourself and now I can go on with my life in the way I am accustomed to.


1 comment:

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Wow...definitely sounds like that was awkward indeed.