Don't be afraid...

to look in the mirror and see someone beautiful.

Friday, November 12, 2010


I took my life into my own hands today. I didn't just wait for something to happen, I knew what I needed to do and what God had been telling me and I finally obeyed. And I feel wonderful about it. It was hard because I haven't had to confront this certain kind of situation in a long time but I pretty much knew from the beginning what was going to happen. I just was doing my whole, looking at the best possible outlook and not seeing someone for who they are now and not who they could now and thanks to close friends, prayer, and my loving God, I did the right thing.

I feel released for a new door to open in my life. Even multiple doors to open. But God needed me to close a couple before these new things had a chance to blossom.

Beautiful Lillies...
They're going to blossom :)

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