Don't be afraid...

to look in the mirror and see someone beautiful.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

It's not over. -Amber Torres

I proclaim to know what I want
But inside I'm scared to death of the thought.
Letting someone inside
Where there's nowhere to hide

I thought I could let you go
But little did I know
I thought I'd let you go
But I inside I already know

That it's not over
Like I thought it was
It's not over
There's a piece of me
A bigger piece than I thought
That knows you're supposed to be there.

I proclaim what I want
But inside I'm scared to death of the thought
Jump in and risk drowning
Or always know what could have been
And look back at the past frowning.

It's time to jump.

Cuz it's not over
Like I thought it was
It's only over if I give up

It's not over
It's time to jump.
It's not over
It's time to jump.

I thought I'd let you go
Now I'll just let life flow
Living and loving
Living and loving

Cuz it's not over.
I'm going to jump and enjoy the water.

-Amber Torres

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