Don't be afraid...

to look in the mirror and see someone beautiful.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Be careful

Be careful what you say
Be careful what you pray
Because one day someone may come back and say...

Isn't this what you said?
Why do your actions contradict you?
And why don't I see any proof?

Why is it that you can give so much "advice"
But never take any for yourself?

I say a lot of things
And I have a lot of good "advice"
But I have to ask the Lord above
To help me in this life

I pray for things that are big
But can I handle them yet?
Or am I wearing just a wig?

Be careful what you say
Be careful what you pray
Because someone
Is gonna hold you accountable to that

It may not be now
It may not be this minute
But be certain
It will come

Be careful what you pray
Be careful what you say

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