Don't be afraid...

to look in the mirror and see someone beautiful.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Smells Like Rain

In the human race
Pain all over the place
People running and hiding
No one they think to their siding

So the drought comes
The stench of dry bones
And lifeless meat
No one they think can
Save them from heat

The clouds overhead
They sigh with dread
This is just another tease
No rain
It's the same

But the wind flurries along
And ll of a sudden
The hairs start to curl
And the smell of Rain
Begins to unfurl

They don't know what to do
Hid and run?
Sit and enjoy?
And before they have
Time to think

It now doesn't just
Smell like rain
It pours

It rains and rains
And purs and pours
Nothing can stop it
No need for doors

All that the heat had devoured
Washed away by a flood
They just sat their
And no need for doors

All that hte heat had devoured
Washed away by a flodd
They just sat their and
Smiled with joy
Even playing in the mud

Even though they doubted
The rain it came the same
To reveal its almighty power
They could never be the same.


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