Well, somehow I managed to log back into an account that I haven't logged into for almost 4 years and wow, more than a lot has happened. I'm married to the love of my life. We adopted a dog, I'm working at a lawn equipment repair shop AND we're in a stretch of something called COVID 19. Lockdowns started pretty much the weekend of my birthday this year and we've been wearing masks in public ever since. People have lost lives, lost businesses, lost a norm that many aren't quite sure will ever come back. Thank God, Sammy and I have both kept jobs and even worked extra. Travel plans have definitely changed and I haven't gotten to see my family in California but I know it's for the best. We're still in the middle of it but there is a vaccine now and God has kept us. Oh, and I haven't even mentioned the CRAZIEST Presidential election I've ever seen. So much divisiveness even within my own family. People are still contesting who won. It was too much and I've been off of social media beside YouTube for a couple of months now. I know I'll eventually go back but I needed a break. I know this post doesn't have proper thoughts all fleshed out but well... welcome to 2020.
What do I expect for 2021? I don't really know but I do know that I'm excited for whatever comes because my life is in God's hands and who else better? Oh and I'll be 34 next year.
Things I've learned:
1. My new favorite nail polish brand.
2. That as much as I like the idea of blonde hair, this dark hair is constantly at war with it. We'll see what 2021 brings.
3. That having a dog is a beautiful responsibility.
4. More Spanish.
5. That sometimes listening to the Bible is easier to process than reading it.
6. That although few and far between, I will find people who believe in me; sometimes more than I believe in myself.
7. That having a business is something I may one day have on a steady basis but after making this banner today, I think I need to just create art with no agenda.
8. Just because I'm not leading worship in the traditional sense that I've done all my life doesn't mean my life isn't worship and that God and the angels don't listen when I worship alone.
9. That being married is an ongoing journey that gets sweeter with time.
10. Life is short. Always leave people better than you found them.