Don't be afraid...

to look in the mirror and see someone beautiful.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

One day...

It's going to come crashing down on me.
Like a snowball, it all starts with a little flake.
God knows when the flake will be available for nurturing.
It's just a phase.
These things I go through often.
And when the day is right, the flake will turn into an avalanche.

Be surprised.

Don't be surprised. I'm awesome.


What happened.
I don't know.
And I don't want to do any more discovery.
Keep it together.

No choice.

I'm tired.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


It's January 26th. Can I just say this year has been more eventful and great then the last 10 combined? I am comfortable in my own skin, I'm trying new things without a fear of failing. God has lavished His gifts on me. I've asked for them. I haven't asked for much from Him before but this year I asked for my inheritance. He is so good. And everything He gives me goes right back into the Kingdom.

I'm going to school, I'm in a play and I'm joining the worship team.
It's beautiful. And you know what? I'm beautiful :) lol