Don't be afraid...

to look in the mirror and see someone beautiful.

Friday, February 27, 2009

I could never forget

I will never forget you
I couldn't
This time of my life you have seasoned
The principals
The things that are right there if people opened their eyes
The incredible fact of freedom of choice
The fact that we have a choice to give attention to things
We can control ourselves
That I am just a tiny little piece of this grand puzzle
But without me, people will die
If we don't do our jobs, people won't hear
That life isn't about right and wrong
That the box is our biggest enemy
That love is the glue that holds anything together
That love can change not just the things around you
But the world if we let it
That love is something we could never fully comprehend
That we love because we were first loved
And that our master is LOVE
That there really is a reason for everything
That you can't force anything
That we have to ask Him and he knows best
That just by being who we are we help others
That dreams and visions are absolutely capable of coming to pass
That many times in our adventure toward the goal, we may feel alone, but we aren't
That God can change ANYBODY
That judging just puts a hindrance on God using you
That there is no need to sweat the small stuff
Worry about things that REALLY matter
And do something about them
That beauty can be found anywhere
That if you are truly who you say you are
There is no seperation
That being a witness is so much bigger then anyone knows or thinks
That it's the little things that matter
The things other people don't pay attention to
The things they don't see
That no matter who is around you
You have to be you
There is no point rhyme or reason to be anything different
That many times we are the ones holding ourselves back
That you can't live in fear
If you have something to say, let others hear!

That someone can have

You taught me ALL that
And so much more
And for that I am eternally grateful

He was

He was one of my best friends
And not to mention good looking
We laughed at eachothers jokes
I caught him looking at me
When he thought I didn't see

He pushed me in the right direction
Always wanting me to be me
Never wanting to hold me back
Never wanting to do something wrong
Little did he know
That exactly the things he didn't want
Would come so strong

He lied
And as much as I would love to make excuses
I can't
An open honesty policy is what I had
That's all I asked
Be real
And I will do the same
Ask me any question
I will do the same

It was too much
We were in two different places
Who knew that people only 2 years apart
Could have such vast lifestyle pasts
That one would have three kids
And the other still lived her dad

Our hearts were in the right places
We want what is best for eachother
And if this is it
Then so be it
I will take the pain

I will take the heartache
I will take the random spurts of crying
No reason in sight
I will yell to God asking for peace
I will scream into my pillow
Hoping that I will wake up and this will cease

I will look up and look on
Keeping him in my prayers
I will do what I am on this earth to do
And I expect nothingless from him
We will move forward
With so much knowledge gained

I could never repay him
For what he taught me
For through him
God opened up my mind
I could never repay him
For treating me like I should
For caring
For understanding
For enjoying all my quirky behaviors
I could never repay him for it

I can love him enough to let him go
And one day, I'll see him at a future show

I hope that I gave him hope
A reason to live on
I hope I helped him know
That there are people like him
Few and verrry far between
But they exist

Because he did that for me
He proved to me that I'm not alone
In a world full of cynics and unbelief

I love him the way God loves him
I see him and his future and I am excited
I see him with his children
No sadness in the slightest
He will reach thousands
He will conquer the world
But as for now
He just has to have complete dependence on Him

Just like the rest of us
Complete dependence on the one who doens't freak out
The one who doesn't flake
The one who is always there
The one who loves us so much that he is willing
To have us go through a little pain and sorrow
To avoid the big blows in life

It's it

One day here
One day gone
A piece of heart torn
I hate this song
Being the better person
Being the bigger man
Making the final decision
Makes me want to scream

Everyone says I'm right
That this is all for the better
Beside, we weren't "technically" together

That isn't the point
And as lame as this sounds
He understood
He taught me when he didn't try
He let me be me
He wanted me to sigh

It wasn't the time
It wasn't the time
Something as complicated as this
Was going to take much much longer

I thought I could handle it
I thought I was doing it right
But without thinking
I let my heart get in
And put in a crazy fight

Now it's over
We will go our seperate ways
I will do what I'm supposed to
No matter how many days

He will grow into the man he is supposed to be
He just won't be able to look at me
We won't grow together at this time of life
Although I wish we could
I wish I could have handled it